Grow With Data

Business Intelligence & AI Deployment

Need some help exploring your data questions and AI? Let us help you grow & explore.

Business Intelligence & AI Deployment

Transform your data into strategic assets, leveraging cutting-edge business intelligence and AI deployment to drive innovation and informed decision-making across your organization.

Dashboard Creation

Visualize your data with interactive dashboards that can be used to make strategic decisions in real time.

Association Analysis

Using cross-attribute association and affinity analysis, we can help your business increase sales by identifying potential promotions.

Regression Analysis

By analyzing your company’s data, we will produce predictive analytics that will help justify strategic decisions.

Process Automation

We will help your business leverage automation software to better organize the flow of data.

Artificial Intelligence Strategy

What is your AI strategy? How are you communicating to your team about AI? These are all questions we can address.

What We Value


Our values are the foundation of our identity. We believe that a highly developed value system serves as a compass when conducting business. We are deeply committed to:


Strive to support and encourage our neighbors and partners as we are all in this together.


Actively look for opportunities to personally assist those who are in genuine need. 


To be kind and encouraging of our neighbors, clients, and partners.


To act ethically and courageously when faced with decisions.

Our Process

Our process is designed to seamlessly guide you from initial discovery through strategic implementation and beyond, ensuring personalized solutions that evolve with your business for lasting success.

We Understand

This business exists to find or create value for other businesses. We can not add value until we understand how a business connects with customers and what the business prioritizes. 

We Clarify

During this phase, we start to talk about expectations, objectives, data structure, and the secure transfer of data.

We Implement

During this phase, solutions are built and worked on. It’s vital that we continue dialogue about the work being done.

We Engage in Feedback

Once we release the solution, we will also offer a typed user guide for all of our solutions so that you and your team can understand the technology and the logic as best as possible.

What We Offer

What We Offer

Our mission is to assist small and medium sized business increase sales and efficiencies by leveraging modern data analysis tools and artificial intelligence. Given the experience and certifications I have obtained up to this point the service offerings can best be...

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What We Offer

Our mission is to assist small and medium sized business increase sales and efficiencies by leveraging modern data analysis tools and artificial...

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What We Value

"Your core values are the deeply held beliefs that authentically describe your soul." - John C. Maxwell Author John Maxwell associates an...

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Meet Alex Kiepert

Alex is the Founder and President of An Insight. Leveraging his extensive background in finance and business analytics, Alex guides organizations in optimizing their operations and strategic decision-making through advanced data analytics and AI technologies. His expertise in applying cutting-edge technologies in business intelligence and artificial intelligence has been instrumental in transforming businesses.

Alex attended St. Francis University in Loretto, Pennsylvania, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in finance and business analytics. During his studies, he gained practical experience working with real businesses in Western PA on dashboarding and analytics efforts using PowerBi, DAX, and Excel. Outside of this experience while at St. Francis he has worked with a few other businesses in Western PA on similar projects.

In addition to his foundational education, Alex has continuously expanded his expertise in data tools and programming languages. He has advanced his proficiency in Python, SQL, PowerBi, DAX, and Excel through targeted courses on DataCamp. His dedication to mastering these tools was further recognized when he obtained a Microsoft Excel Expert Certification in May 2022. Alex is passionately committed to leveraging his deep understanding of data and technology to assist businesses in navigating the complexities of data analysis and artificial intelligence, empowering them to make informed, strategic decisions.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Business Intelligence, and how can it benefit my business?

Business Intelligence (BI) refers to the technology-driven process of analyzing data and presenting actionable information to help executives, managers, and other corporate end-users make informed business decisions. BI encompasses a variety of tools, applications, and methodologies that enable organizations to collect data from internal systems and external sources, prepare it for analysis, develop and run queries against the data, and create reports, dashboards, and data visualizations. The benefits include improved decision-making, insight into consumer behavior, enhanced operational efficiency, increased competitive advantage, and the ability to spot market trends and business problems that need to be addressed.

What is AI Deployment, and what steps are involved in deploying an AI solution?

AI Deployment is the process of integrating and operationalizing Artificial Intelligence (AI) models into existing business infrastructures to solve specific business problems or enhance operational efficiency. The steps involved typically include defining the business problem, data collection and preparation, choosing the right AI model, training the model with data, testing and validating the model, deploying the model into the production environment, and ongoing monitoring and maintenance to ensure its effectiveness and accuracy over time.

How does BI differ from AI, and can they work together?

BI is primarily focused on the past and present, using data analytics to inform business decisions based on historical data. AI, on the other hand, leverages algorithms and neural network models to simulate human intelligence, enabling the prediction of future outcomes based on data patterns. BI and AI can work together seamlessly; BI provides the data and insights necessary for training AI models, while AI can enhance BI capabilities by predicting future trends and automating complex analyses. Together, they offer a powerful toolset for data-driven decision-making.

What are some common challenges in BI and AI Deployment, and how can they be overcome?

Common challenges include data quality and availability, integrating AI into existing systems, scalability, and the skill gap in data science and AI technology. Overcoming these challenges involves ensuring access to clean, high-quality data; adopting a modular approach to system integration; planning for scalable solutions that can grow with your business; and investing in training or hiring skilled professionals in data science and AI.

Can small businesses benefit from BI and AI, and what should they consider before implementation?

Yes, small businesses can significantly benefit from BI and AI by gaining insights into customer behavior, optimizing operational processes, and enhancing decision-making. Before implementation, small businesses should consider their specific needs and goals, the quality of their data, and whether they have the capacity (in terms of both budget and expertise) to maintain and analyze BI and AI systems. Starting with small, focused projects can help demonstrate value and build the case for further investment.